Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Steve Jobs has been reincarnated!

It doesn't get much weirder than this, folks.  According to a Buddhist group in Thailand, Steve Jobs, a devout Buddhist, has been reincarnated.  An abbot at a Buddhist temple claims that the inventor extraordinare has been reborn as a "celestial warrior-philosopher" and currently lives "in a mystical glass palace hovering above his old office at Apple’s Cupertino, Calif. headquarters."
That's not the weirdest part:
Among other things, he has said the reincarnated Mr. Jobs spends much of his time lounging in a glass palace resembling an Apple store. Phra Chaibul also has said the being formerly known as Steve Jobs is attended by 20 servants, who seem to resemble the Apple store ‘Geniuses’ who help customers set up their iPhones and other devices here on earth.

I'm not sure why a "celestial warrior-philosopher" needs 20 servants.  Maybe Jobs has become high maintenance in his afterlife. 

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2012/08/31/steve-jobs-has-been-reincarnated-as-warrior-philosopher-thai-group-says/

Disclaimer: Brendan Spaar does not own any Apple products.

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